Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2009 Festival of Theology Lecturers Named

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2009 Festival of Theology & Reunion
March 15–18

New Ways of Being Church
Conversations on renewal and
transformation in mainline congregations

Yes, there are signs of hope for the church in this so-called post-modern and post-Christian era! In 2009, Louisville Seminary welcomes a celebrated trio of church leaders and writers who are spreading the news that the church of the 21st Century can and does re-think, re-tradition, and re-invent itself. By the time of the 2009 Lectures, all three of them will have published new books about Jesus.


  • Diana Butler Bass, historian and author of the popular book Christianity for the Rest of Us, brings with her inspirational presentation solid research showing that mainline congregations are thriving as communities that practice the Christian traditions.
  • Marcus Borg, a New Testament scholar, speaks for many who seek a fresh and credible progressive understanding of Jesus Christ for this age. His newest book will be simply titled Jesus.
  • Brian McLaren is the pastor and author (A Generous Orthodoxy and more recently Everything Must Change) who best represents the “Emerging Church” from an evangelical perspective, but his books and his presentations elude simple labels.

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