Friday, November 16, 2007

"The WHAT-IF Department"--a dream ticket

I've actually thought this absurd thing before when Warren Buffett was asked for his idea of the "dream ticket" for president, and occasionally get laughs at dinner parties when I mention it.

Yesterday, another great story on Warren Buffett was in the Times reporting that he was advising congress not to eliminate the estate tax, often called the "death tax." He was quoted as saying that to do so would further deteriorate the foundations of democracy and move us further toward plutocracy (not to be confused with the banished planet of the same name) in which the rich are "on a space ship" and the middle class are "on a treadmill."

And I slipped into my "what if" mind (read fantasy) and wished again for a dream ticket to run for president of the USA. What about Warren Buffett for President and Jimmy Buffett for Vice President? A coalition of the economically wise who live for dividends and the "common people" who just live for five o'clock (somewhere). The Wall Street Heads and the Parrot-heads, if you will.
Don't you imagine they could make beautiful music together?

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