Updates on LPTS Lifelong Learning Events Calendar
The published calendar for Lifelong Learning is always a changeable feast. Here are some of the changes to watch for and check the online version (www.lpts.edu/lifelonglearning).- The Susanna Heschel event originally planned of September 9 has been moved to the first weekend of December. She's coming sponsored by Interfaith Paths to Peace. Terry Taylor will get us more information soon.
- The Presbyterian Pension Board Events were switched on the printed calendar: The January 29-30 event is the pre Retirement seminar "Growing into Tomorrow Today." And "Getting In Shape Fiscally" is offered on May 6th, adjacent to the new "Render Unto Caesar" event on the 7th. Registration for these events is through the Pension Board's website http://www.pensions.org/.
- The Seminary Luncheon for Louisville's Festival of Faiths, Monday November 5, will feature Dr. Gene March, A. B. Rhodes Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, and storyteller Mary Ellen Hill, on the topic of "Interpreting and Retelling Creation Stories." Lunch is $15, register online through www.brownpapertickets.com. The overall theme of Festival of Faiths is "Birth and Creation Through the Eyes of Faith."
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