Tuesday, July 3, 2007

2007-2008 Lifelong Learning Calendar

I'm happy to announce here that the Lifelong Learning events Calendar is complete and ready to be mailed out to the LPTS constituency. For a quicker look and the absolute latest in Lifelong Learning click on the link for Lifelong Learning to the right of this post below my bio. All of the program are listed on the right column.

New this year are two online events, one offered through the Wayne Oates Institute (http://www.oates.org/) on my book, and the other is a repeat of the "Care and Maintenance of Flourishing Congregations" in May. A new spring seminar added this year is "Transformational Leadership in Missional Perspective, April 21-23, with Roland Kuhl of the Center for Parish Development.

Be sure to note our free lecture events--The Fall Edwards-Presler Lectures, October 24-25, and the Spring Festival of Theology, March 2-5. I'm especially excited about the Spring Lectures with the topic "Young Voices in Homiletics" with Anna Carter Florence from Columbia and Otis Moss III from Trinity UCC in Chicago. Those two lecturers will be in dialogue with LPTS's exciting new professors Debra Mumford and Claudio Carvalhaes! Each will present a sermon, a lecture, and a master class in preaching!

You can not only see information on the Lifelong Learning events online, but you can also register online for the events!

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