Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Church as a Creative and Life-Giving Institution

Image of trash compateer rom: letsgetgreen.files/wordpress.com
 I've been reflecting on the lives of several friends who have been part of the church, mostly at the denominational level whose lives have been crushed by the organizational/personnel machine-like culture of their denomination.  Many of them (not all, of course) are still un-employed or under-employed and operating at a kind of "post traumatic stress" level as a result of the way they have been "handled" by the church's power structures. 

When we treat the human resources of the church like so many machine parts that can be removed and thrown away, the church loses its soul.

Reflecting on my own vocation, my own "quest print" I realized that my life question is How can I help the church be organized in ways that are creative and life-giving. 

Join me in committing to making whatever level of the church as an organization you have some influence over more creative and life-giving for its members and staff.  Help hold leaders accountable for policies about hiring, recognition, motivation, pay-scales that are equitable, and termination policies that are just and humane. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fall Bible Study--Lay Institute of Theology

Rev. John Gulden, Fall Bible Study Leader
Now is the time to sign up for Fall Bible Study which begins next Wednesday. 

“The Reign of God”

Much of the Bible pertains to the establishment of nations and governance by rulers. In fact, the one topic that is addressed by Jesus more than any other is the Roman Empire and competing claims for our allegiance. Our objectives will be to explore the story of Israelite kings, the nature of empires and their rulers, and the competing claims presented by "the reign of God", known also by many other names throughout the Bible. We will also dare to wrestle with contemporary issues of Church and State and their spiritual implications, and to grow in faith as we consider once again our citizenship in this mysterious and radical "reign of God".

DATES: Wednesday Mornings September 22, & 29, October 6, 13, 20, Nov 3;

TIME: 10:30 to 12:00 a.m.

FACULTY: John Gulden

Pastor-scholar John Gulden served as Pastor of Briargate Presbyterian Church and is currently serving as at “at home father” for his two children in Old Louisville. A member at large of Mid-Kentucky Presbytery, he also is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.) General Assembly Committee on Representation. Other interests include baseball reading on the front porch, grilling out, attending farmers markets, and eating Graeter’s ice cream.

PLACE: Laws Lodge

COST: $40 Register online or at first class

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dates for Next Year's EQ-HR Seminar at LPTS

2010 Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Lab (LPTS Photo)

Louisville Seminary's Emotional Intelligence and Human Relations Seminar
August 23-27.

Among this year's participants pictured above were ten master's level students, four Doctor of Ministry Students and ten ministers/church leaders taking the seminar as a Lifelong Learning experience.  Many of them told us what a transforming experience it was.  Rev. Steve Huston from New York said: "I'm thankful that I was able to spend a week with you at the EQ-HR workshop in Louisville." 

We've heard from others who could not make it this year but are looking forward to next year.  Thus we're announcing the date far in advance.

Tuition is not finalized for next year.  This year it was $775 for Lifelong Learning participants. 

Go to the website for the EQ-HR Center for more information:  eqhrcenter.org/

Call me for more information:  800-264-1839, ext 372.

We'll open registration next April.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thriving in the Pastorate

I just opened the invitation from the Oates Institute for the fall Gathering and was reminded of the new "Pastors Workshop" being offered this year. Richard L. Hester (pictured here, and J. Michael Hester, pastoral counselors from North Carolina, will be leading the workshop on "From Surviving to Thriving in the Pastorate." The date is September 23, 8:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m., at Deer Park Baptist Church, 1733 Bardstown Road, In Louisville. Dick Hester is also an author in the Alban Institute book Know Your Story and Lead with It: The Power of Narrative in Clergy Leadership. I'll be reviewing that book for the Oates Journal soon. But this is a worthwhile workshop for pastors. To register call 502-459-2370, or go to www.oates.org. Cost is $40 (includes lunch). Tell them I sent you!