Friday, July 23, 2010

There is no such thing as reverse racism

Cries of "racism" against Shirley Sherrod, later proven to be based on doctored tapes, are the hateful and deceitful reactions of privileged white folks who are out to protect their cultural advantages. As a privileged and advantaged aging, straight, European-American, I want to remind us all that we have been and still are in the power position in America, and trying to blame or shame others for their attitudes, even if those attitudes are prejudicial or short-sighted, is a cover-up for our own benefit. Yes, there's plenty of fear and prejudice to go around, and bigotry comes in all colors, but "racism" is a term that only belongs to the actions of those in the cultural advantaged position to keep others from gaining any toe-hold on our privilege.
photo from

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gas Stations as Signs of the Future

This past week I've passed three different gas stations that have taken down their national/international brand signs and put up family names on their stations. With all the bad publicity British Petroleum is getting it makes sense. Do I really want my customers to associate me with oil spills and irresponsible drilling?

I wonder if that's not the wave of the future of churches as well. Some folks are getting disgusted at the big-corporation model of church denominations and are not pleased with the image, either too liberal on the one hand or not liberal enough on the other. I know a lot of pastors who just "keep their heads down" and do local ministry and pay little attention to denominational realities.

Denominations that are not able to serve the needs of local "outlets" will not survive. Congregations that know how to thrive will.