Devotees and th0se curious about the labyrinth will gather on the campus of LPTS for a fascinating approach to the labyrinth. Robert Ferre, a prolific maker of labyrinths, will lead us through the basics of sacred geometry, the design principles of the classical labyrinths, basic spiritual practices connected with the labyrinth and networking to discuss the whole process. The conference comes in two parts:
Monday through Wednesday, October 26-28 is the teaching portion of the event on the seminary campus, with sessions from 9-5 each day.
Thursday and Friday, October 29-30, participants will actually build a brick labyrinth on the grounds of the historic Farmington, adjacent to Sullivan University in Louisville.
See the Seminary website for more information and online registration.
Call me at 800-264-1839, ext 372, or Laura March at extension 382 for more information.