I welcome to the literature on leadership this new book by my friend and colleague Ken McFayden, Dean and Professor of Ministry and Leadership Development at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. Strategic Leadership brings together Ken's deep study of attachment theory and loss with his thorough experience of church leadership through his consultations and his teaching. Three important ideas are put forth here that are not found elsewhere:
- Our response to loss is related to our levels of attachment, and our ability to overcome it depends on our good grieving and re-attachment.
- Since all change involves loss, churches seek growth without change (and wonder why it does not happen).
- Churches yearn for leadership and resist leadership at the same time.
The book provides ample lists of helpful suggestions for church leaders facing changes, losses, and the challenges of the future.
As I read the excellent analyses, I wished his editors had encouraged him to include his engaging and delightful case studies to help the reader see how leadership works in changing circumstances.
Bibliographic info:
Kenneth J. McFayden
Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing our Losses, Finding our Future.
Alban Institute, 2009. Paper. 101 pages. $17.00. ISBN 978-1-56699-392-0